I provide a validating and supportive environment with an emphasis on skill building. Parents learn how to respond to their teen in a way that increases a teen’s skillful behavior and cultivates a greater parent teen relationship.

Parent coaching is offered in five different sessions (see below.) These sessions can be scheduled every week or every other week. Parents will have an opportunity to learn and practice skills and ask questions that apply specifically to their teens. Handouts and other resources are provided.

  • Learn how parents can inadvertently contribute to patterns of unskillful behavior.

  • Determine a plan for responding to your teen in a way that promotes skillful behavior. 

  • Discover strategies for cultivating a more positive relationship with your teen.


What to Expect

Session 1: Introduction

Understanding why some teens are more challenging is the first step to wise parenting. Discover how parenting strategies that may work with one teen can exacerbate problems and contribute to negative behavior patterns in a more challenging teen. Explore how wise parenting can help and create a plan to enhance your experience as you begin this more effective approach to parenting.

Session 2: Balance & Wise Parenting

Adolescence is a time of monumental change. It’s often hard to determine how best to respond. For instance, you may wonder if you’re being too strict or too lenient. Or if you’re expecting too much or not expecting enough. It’s also common to wonder whether your teen’s behaviors are normal or whether you should be concerned. This session is designed to help parents know how best to respond and to develop a plan for more balanced parenting.

Session 3: Teens & Emotions

If teens’ behaviors are their way of dealing, it’s vital that parents respond in a way that helps teens learn to navigate their emotions skillfully. This session focuses on skills to reduce a teen’s emotional distress while also cultivating a more positive parent teen connection.

Session 4: Creating Positive Change

You try everything to motivate your teen – giving him reminders, explaining what he needs to do, warning him about the consequences if he doesn’t change, and some days just ignoring it and hoping things get better on their own. This session offers parents tools for responding in ways that help to increase a teen’s skillful behavior and reduce a teen’s unskillful behavior.

Session 5: Cultivating Harmonious Relationship

It feels impossible not to get impacted by your teen’s emotions and behaviors. This session is all about relationships. Skills for cultivating more positivity, improving communication, and ensuring healthy boundaries will be examined.


Understand why some teens are more challenging

Respond effectively to challenges rather than react emotionally

Know that you’re not inadvertently contributing to patterns of problematic behavior

Experience compassion and joy

Have tools for improved communication and boundaries

Experience more confidence in your parenting


You want to change your teen

You want a quick fix to the problems that you’re experiencing with your teen

To learn more about this service or to schedule an appointment, please call or email.

Jan Carden, LCSW




Coaching is a professional relationship and I will maintain professional boundaries during and after our work together. Considerable experience shows that when boundaries blur, the hard-won benefits gained from the coaching relationship are endangered. I follow all the normal and expected guidelines of ethical boundaries.


Although I may make suggestions and have ideas and strategies for you to consider, you have the ultimate responsibility for the choices, plans, and actions that you take. At no time should you feel compelled to “please” me by agreeing to a strategy that you question or doubt. Simply tell me that you don’t like that plan of action, and I will help you find another option or a better way to proceed. I am not responsible for the outcome of your goals or plans. Should it become clear during coaching that you need psychotherapy services I will refer you to another professional who can provide these services. As parent coach, I will only offer coaching, not therapy.


If at any time you feel that your needs are not being met or you are not getting what you want out of the individual coaching, please tell me so we can discuss your needs and adjust your coaching program, as needed.


You, the client, assume responsibility for your own results and outcomes. You agree to save and hold harmless your coach from any liability that may arise as a result of client’s negligent performance of any perceived act or omission or negligence on the part of the coach in accordance with this agreement. As parent coach, I make no guarantee as to the results achieved due to the subjective nature of the work. A coach agrees to serve as guide, advisor, and consultant in the areas identified by the client, however the client is solely accountable for producing any and all results.

You, the client, agree to keep agreements, to regard our coaching appointment time frames with respect, and to keep your coach informed as to what you need to keep moving forward. I take very seriously the role of your trusted advisor and will remain committed to your ultimate success.


I adhere to my license and ethics requirements regarding confidentiality for all coaching and consulting. I will only release information about our work to others with your written permission, or if we are required to do so by a court order. Issues discussed in sessions are important and are generally legally protected as both confidential and “privileged.” However, there are limits to the privilege of confidentiality. These situations include:

  • Suspected abuse or neglect of a child, elderly person or a disabled person.

  • If I believe you are in danger of harming yourself or another person or you are unable to care for yourself.

  • If you report that you intend to physically injure someone the law requires your therapist to inform that person as well as the legal authorities.


Regularly scheduled parent coaching sessions cost $150 for a one-hour session, payable by credit card.

If you need to cancel an already scheduled session, I will need 48 hours by email or phone (notice must be given during working days, Monday-Friday) in order to avoid being charged for a missed session. Missed session fees are the same cost as regular session fees.


A decision to begin parent coaching with Jan Carden, LCSW signals agreement with these fees and policies.